John Wise FAFY Owner

I met John Wise online through his email marketing campaigns initially. Years later I responded to an ad and joined a new safelist FreeAdvertisingForYou. The offer said I could earn PRO status, doing what I normally do. Awesome!

Set up my banners, sites, tracking and email solo, immediately. Visited the site daily to earn my Pro membership. Took about a week to complete the steps.

During this period I reached out to John with various questions. John Wise is responsive, informative, personable and readily available. Not long after that did I realize that I have been doing business with John for quite some time.

My FAFY efforts netted me 12 leads and 3 sales in about 2 weeks, which is almost as good as I do with my top safelists. So needless to say I excited and extremely motivated.

Using the banner above with subject line, “New Traffic Monster Offer”, I purchased a $60.00 Solo that was quadrupled for free.

The campaign paid for itself, yielding me 36 FAFY sign ups. Five followed the steps and received the free Pro Upgrade, 3 upgraded to Gold and 6 made traffic purchases..

I love systems that pay for themselves…

Upgraded to VIP immediately and after I saw that Mr. Wise pays on time, was pleasantly tickled that he was already on my list of business partners.

FAFY is a great source of traffic, leads and sales for me, and it can do the same for you – join me!